Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I'll love ya, tomorrow!

Hello to my fellow followers! I am sorry for the lack of posting! I am leaving for Branson Missouri tomorrow, and can't wait for the weekend of fun with a bunch of crafty, scrapbooking lovers! A WHOLE WEEKEND OF CRAFTING!!! I can't wait!!! (Can you tell???) I will do my best to try to post at least once while in Branson. I am also creating items for Above Rubies Studio Design Team, those items you have to wait to see until they are listed at Club Ruby with instructions on how to recreate them.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. have a blast sweetie! I can't wait to hear all about the fun you all have out there!

  2. hope you have a wonderful time, that is the best to get together with girlfriends and create....wow!

    enjoy *~*

  3. have fun

    i just found your blog and put the giveaway alert on my blog too.



